Canadian Habitat Joint Ventures

The four Canadian (or Canadian portion of the four) Habitat Joint Ventures integrate planning, science, governance, partnerships, and management to achieve NAWMP goals in Canada through a programmatic approach. A science-based implementation plan is created to address local, regional and continental goals. Joint Venture partners actively research, monitor and evaluate waterfowl populations, and deliver habitat conservation programs at a regional level. 

Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture (PBHJV) includes portions of British Columbia, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California and Hawaii. The British Columbia coastline is a complex of inlets, bays, islands, straits and fjords rising to a diversity of near-shore, inter-tidal and forested habitats. There are over 440 estuaries with tidal wetlands and adjacent floodplain habitats. Over 1.2 million waterfowl nest along British Columbia’s coastline and another 400,000 in its estuaries. Agricultural areas in the region also provide significant habitat and food supply for migrating and wintering waterfowl. For more information visit

The Canadian Intermountain Joint Venture (CIJV) is an area of 123.5 million acres (50 million hectares) in the central/southern interior of British Columbia and the eastern Rocky Mountains in Alberta. The CIJV encompasses a diverse landscape of valleys and mountains with grasslands, dry and moist coniferous forests, riparian areas and wetlands, alpine tundra, and pocket desert.  Twenty-four waterfowl species breed in the CIJV with an estimated population of 1.45 million birds. This represents 70% of B.C.’s and roughly 4% of Canada’s breeding waterfowl population.  For more information visit

The Prairie Habitat Joint Venture (PHJV) encompasses 158.4 million acres (64.1 million hectares) in the prairie and aspen parklands of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the Peace-Parkland Region of British Columbia. The Western Boreal Forest program also falls under the PHJV including parts of British Columbia, the Prairie Provinces, and the Yukon and Northwest Territories. The PHJV covers one of the most productive areas for waterfowl in the world with wetland habitats ranging from small potholes and sloughs to larger lake, marsh, and bog systems. Over half of North America's mid-continent ducks breed within this region. For more information visit

The Eastern Habitat Joint Venture (EHJV) contains 780 million acres (315 million hectares) in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. The EHJV supports 30% of Canada’s wetlands, including coastal bays and salt marshes, lakeshore marshes, floodplain wetlands, and boreal forest wetlands. The EHJV supports a significant portion of the continental populations of American Black Duck, Mallard, Ring-necked Duck, Common Goldeneye, Common Eider (3 races), Green-winged Teal, and Canada Goose (5 populations). For more information visit